UVigo publishes a new catalogue of female researchers with 650 copies to be distributed in high schools throughout Galicia from September onwards

This Thursday, the University of Vigo presented the second edition of the catalogue “Quero ser investigadora” (I want to be a researcher), a volume in which ten female researchers from Vigo´s academic institution tell in first person how the path that led them, each from very different backgrounds, to choose science as a profession.

The aim of the project is to awaken vocations, to show young people, and above all, girls and young women, that very close to their homes there are women researchers who are carrying out work of great importance for our society.

The presentation took place in the Redeiras building and was attended by the Vice-Chancellors for Research, Transfer and Innovation, Belén Rubio, and Communication and Institutional Relations, Mónica Valderrama.

In this second edition, which is the legacy of the one published in 2020, we are back to disseminate the story of ten new leaders, ten women, ten researchers, and ten girls who wanted to dedicate themselves to what they love the most: gaining new knowledge about their work area that will help society to move towards a better future. Each one has its illustration, made by former UVigo student Patricia Fernández Ruibal, who took part in the event through a video in which she explained the creative process.

The catalogue will be distributed, as it was already done in 2020-2021, among secondary schools throughout Galicia. In addition, it will be available on the website of the Scientific Culture Unit, UCC+i, and will be accompanied by a simple didactic unit that will facilitate work with this tool in the classroom.

Ten stories of women passionate about science

Sara Varela, from the Animal Ecology group of the CIM-UVigo, is a specialist in biogeography, climate change and palaeontology. She knew from an early age that she wanted to work with plants and animals. Now, with ten years of professional career, she was able to participate in many paleontological excavations extracting fossils of extinct species and was one of the first people to use distribution models (“they are useful to predict where species can live”) to predict the location of species in the past.

The catalogue also includes the participation of Nieves Lorenzo, researcher of the EphysLab group of the Marine Research Centre  (CIM-Uvigo); Inmaculada Báez Montero, lecturer in the Spanish Language Area, researcher of the GRILES Group; the archaeologist Beatriz Comendador, researcher of the GEAAT group; Lorena Rodríguez, researcher of the OC2 group; Beatriz Legerén, specialist in video games, interaction and design; Isabel Pastoriza, coordinator of the Functional Nanomaterials Group (FunNanoBio) of the Biomedical Research Centre, Cinbio; Eva Lantarón, current vice-rector of the Pontevedra campus, researcher of the FS1 Group; Belén Riveiro, researcher of the Applied Xeotechnology Group; and Marián Fernández, of the REMOSS Group.

Source: DUVI