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Adriana Oliver

Adriana Oliver

Postdoc Researcher

I hold a PhD in Paleontology with a background in Geological Sciences from the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). I also have a Master’s degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education from the UCM. 

My professional activities develop between research in rodent evolution, palaeobiogeography and biostratigraphy, and outreach and science dissemination. 

At MAPAS Lab, I am working on the evolution of fossil rodents and supporting outreach and science dissemination.


Current projects

Name of the project: Teaching Paleontology: Creation of Educational Materials through 3D Printing. INN-FUND-2024-OPA04.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: UVigo.
Funding entity: Mapas Lab, Uvigo.
PI: A. Oliver.
Type of participation: PI
Start-End date: 18/10/2024 – 30/11/2025.
Total amount: 19,500 €.

Name of the project: “Paleo en el Barrio: Ciencia de proximidad”. 3rd edition.
Proyecto FECYT FCT-23-19134.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNNC-CSIC and UVigo.
Funding entity: FECYT.
Co-PI: A. Oliver, R. de Iriarte and T. Gallego.
Type of participation: co-PI.
Start-End date: 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2025.
Total amount: 96,450 €.

Name of the project: Análisis paleoecológico y paleoclimático multiproxy del registro fósil ibérico y sudamericano durante el Cenozoico final: un enfoque inter-hemisferio. PID2022-138275NB-I00.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: UCM.
Funding entity: Proyecto del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
PI: L. Domingo Martínez and M. S. Domingo Martínez.
Type of participation: Postdoc researcher.
Start-End date: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2026.
Total amount: 135,000€.

Name of the project: Cuantificando la pérdida de información del registro fósil (LOST).
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: UVigo.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
PI: S. Varela.
Type of participation: Postdoc researcher.
Start-End date: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025.
Total amount: 45,000 €.

Name of the project: Mapping cradles and graves. H2020-ERC-2020-STG-947921.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Mapas Lab, UVigo.
Funding entity: H2020-ERC-2020.
PI: S. Varela.
Type of participation: Postdoc researcher.
Start-End date: 01/06/2020- 30/11/2025.
Total amount: 1.499.924 €.

Past projects
Name of the project: Paleo en el Barrio: Ciencia de proximidad”. 2nd edition.
FECYT FCT-22-17763.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC, UCM and Museo de San Isidro. Los orígenes de Madrid.
Funding entity: FECYT.
Co-PI: A. Oliver, R. de Iriarte and T. Gallego.
Type of participation: co-PI.
Start-End date: 01/07/2023 – 31/06/2024.
Total amount: 50,700 €.

Name of the project: Paleo en el Barrio: Ciencia de proximidad”. 1st edition.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC and UCM.
Funding entity: FECYT.
PI: A. Oliver, R. de Iriarte and T. Gallego.
Type of participation: co-PI
Start-End date: 01/07/2022 – 31/06/2023.
Total amount: 48.135 €.

Name of the project: Respuesta de los mamíferos a los cambios climáticos durante el Mioceno inferior del área mediterránea. PGC2018-094122-B-I00.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
PI: P. Peláez-Campomanes.
Type of participation: Postdoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2022.
Total amount: 107,883,721€.

Name of the project: Live Dead Fossil: Life and dead in Doñana National Park (Spain).
MSCA-IF-20 l5-700196.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Estación Biológica de Doñana.
Funding entity: MSCA-IF-2015-EF – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF).
PI: M. S. Domingo Martínez.
Type of participation: Postdoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019.
Total amount: 158,121.60 €.

Name of the project: Evolutionary traits of the earliest Megacricetodon. CZ-TAF-7044.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Národní Muzeum, Prague.
Funding entity: Synthesys project- Synthesys of Systematic Resources.
PI: A. Oliver.
Type of participation: PI.
Start-End date: 31/05/2017 – 14/06/2017.
Total amount: 5.000 €.

Name of the project: Evolution of the Ctenodactylidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Shin Us (Central Mongolia). AT TAF-6777.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Natural History Museum Vienna.
Funding entity: Synthesys project- Synthesys of Systematic Resources.
PI: A. Oliver.
Type of participation: PI.
Start-End date: 06/03/2017 – 29/03/2017.
Total amount: 10.0000 €.

Name of the project: Paleoecología y primeras ocupaciones humanas en el Pleistoceno medio y superior en Bizkaia.Sta. Isabel de Ranero fase 2. CGL2015-65387-C3-2-P -MINECO/FEDER.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
Funding entity: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia.
PI: A. Gómez Olivencia.
Type of participation: Postdoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2017.
Total amount: 7,500 €.

Name of the project: Actuaciones para el yacimiento de Somosaguas.
Type of project: Direct asignation.
Entity where the project took place: UCM.
Funding entity: proyecto Campus de Excelencia Internacional Campus Moncloa UCM-UPM.
PI: A. Oliver, L. Domingo, P. López-Guerrero and M. Hernández Fernández.
Type of participation: Co-PI.
Start-End date: 01/10/2016 – 30/11/2016.
Total amount: 31,411€.

Name of the project: Study of the Miocene rodents through new techniques: An approach to Micro-CT scanner with the small mammal Megacricetodon. NL-TAF-3662.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: NCB Naturalis.
Funding entity: Synthesys project- Synthesys of Systematic Resources.
PI: A. Oliver.
Type of participation: PI.
Start-End date: 11/05/2014 – 24/05/2014.
Total amount: 5,000 €.

Name of the project: Miocene climate changes on Mongolian mammals. P-23061-N19.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria.
Funding entity: Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
PI: G. Daxner-Höck.
Type of participation: Postdoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/06/2012 – 31/12/2015.
Total amount: 3601802.21€.

Name of the project: Evolución de la biodiversidad en micromamíferos del Neógeno en relación con los cambios paleoambientales. CGL2011-28877.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnología.
PI: P. Peláez-Campomanes.
Type of participation: Predoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/01/2012 – 31/06/2014.
Total amount: 116,160 €.

Name of the project: Evolución de la biodiversidad en micromamíferos del Neógeno y las relaciones entre patrones morfométricos, ecológicos y ambientales. CGL-2008-04200/BTE.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnología.
PI: P. Peláez-Campomanes.
Type of participation: Predoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/01/2009 – 31/12/2011.
Total amount: 40,000 €.

Name of the project: Investigación, protección, divulgación y musealización del Patrimonio Paleontológico del Municipio de Móstoles.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: Proyecto intramural CSIC.
PI: J. Morales.
Type of participation: Predoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/09/2007 – 31/12/2007.

Name of the project: Estudio morfométrico de comunidades de roedores fósiles del Mioceno Medio español. CÓDIGO:060501.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: Proyecto intramural CSIC 200630I196.
PI: P. Pelaez-Campomanes.
Type of participation: Predoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/07/2007 – 31/12/2007.
Total amount: 14,300€.

Name of the project: Micropaleontología del yacimiento Mioceno de Casa Montero. CÓDlGO:060501.
Type of project: Competitive.
Entity where the project took place: MNCN-CSIC.
Funding entity: EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.A.
PI: P. Pelaez-Campomanes.
Type of participation: Predoctoral researcher.
Start-End date: 01/09/2006 – 31/06/2007.
Total amount: 13,200€.

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